Extra kapitel

2010-12-14, 00:14:04 / Kategori: Skoluppgifter

Valde att inte skriva dagbok, varken för Adam eller Cal. Det fick bli ett extra kapitel istället..
Läs och komentera gärna, öppen för kritik.

Additional chapter

Consciousness. It is a strangely fine line between consciousness and unconsciousness. I never really know where I am. Maybe I'm just dreaming. There is nothing scarier than getting to sleep. Will I ever wake up? Will I hear Adam's voice again?

He stopped touching me. He knows the pain. The slightest pressure feels like an elephant trying to balance on my body. But it hurts even more when I don't feel his skin against mine. Then it feels like my body is about to implode. It is only he who can get me to remain intact.

Music. I want to listen to music. All is so quiet. Maybe they don't know that I'm awake.
- Hello! I'm not sleeping anymore!
No sound.
What a hassle it is to not being able to see, not being able to talk, not being able to move at all. I only have the almost-functioning hearing left. So why not use it?

Now it has been quiet way too long. I can't stand it. To hear my mom and dad quarrel now would be wonderful, anything is better than this. But they would never do it when I hear them. They want me to die in peace. They have no idea how unpeaceful it is with silence.

I can hear the sound of a bird collides with the window. It is here now. Here to pick me up. Here to lead me to a world beyond this one. But as long as no one opens the window, I am safe. I am safe. That thought leads me to calm myself down. I'm so relieved that I dare go to sleep without fear of never waking up.

Kanske inte så långt som ett kapitel brukar vara men om man kollar i boken, Before I Die, så ser man hur kapitlena blir allt kortare och kortare mot stutet..

                     //Hon som alltid gör saker sekunden innan de ska vara klara..


So beautiful. You should be a writer!

/ Mum

2010-12-15, 08:57:24




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